Awareness Addicts Transcript Archives

0020: SOON!

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0019: The Multi-tasker's Guide to Prioritizing Your Life

As I’ve challenged you to make some changes in your life, you may have found yourself asking, “How am I going to fit that in?” You’re already juggling too many balls…

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0018: Why We Fail: How to Get Motivated to Change

Goals can be tricky. There’s a reason why so many abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a few days of the start of the new year…

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0017: How to Stop Being Negative and Be Happy

Do you find yourself complaining regularly about some condition in your life? This may require a bit of internal investigation … also known as applied awareness. . .

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0016: How to Stop the Negative Effects of Clutter

What happens when we know we need to let go of something and we resist? We may be able to get away with it for a while. But eventually, the consequences will mount. Taken to the extreme. . .

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0015: How to Take the Stress Out of Stress - Dealing with Life Events

Are you thinking about making a change in your life? Or, maybe a change was thrust on you … without asking your permission, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or a relationship coming to an end. . .

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0014: Making Good Choices - How to Create Healthy Habits That Stick

Are you ready to release attachments that are not serving you? There is an element of chaos that accompanies change. But even chaos has structure to it. It is orderly in its own way. Our work is to find easy and practical ways to create order …

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0013: Feeling Stuck in Your Life – Declutter Your Mind

If you are feeling like it’s time to make a change, you may be feeling some fear. One of the big reasons we resist change is fear of the unknown. By proactively cutting ties to something we’ve been attached to, we create space for something new to come in.

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0012: Divine Discontentment: Finding Happiness, Satisfaction, and Contentment

Are you content with your life just the way it is? What does it mean to be content? The definition of contentment is the state of being happy and satisfied. Discontent would then be unhappy and unsatisfied. It’s not really black and white though. We never are really content or completely discontent.

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0011: Ways to Change Your Life - How to Make Positive Life Changes at Any Age

If the objective of good planning is to avoid failure, why bother? Should we just skip the planning and take things as they come? I think we can agree that failure can be quite painful. . .

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0010: Lessons for Success: What We Learn from Failures

If you’re like most humans, failing was discouraged. We would try to hide it, or worse, avoid it by not trying. But, we’re going to learn to celebrate failure. It is failure that precedes growth and development … and success. As you develop awareness, you’re going to have ideas that call you to bigger and better things. If you’re willing to experience some discomfort, the payoff could be HUGE!

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0009: How to Stop Negative Thinking and Self-Sabotaging Behavior

In this episode, we’re going to acquaint ourselves with that voice in our heads. Honestly, some of the things it says seem illogical . . . even irrational. . .

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0008: How-To Techniques for Managing Emotions-Anger

When we bump up against our fellow humans and overreact, it consumes a TON of energy. We need to learn to deal with these upsets more efficiently so we can stay focused on what matters. One of the things that we have to consider as we learn to manage our anger and emotions is how to allow . . .

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0007: How to Make Big, Positive Changes in Your Life Intentionally

We know change happens. Wouldn’t it be nice if change happened on our own terms? I’m not suggesting we can control everything in our lives, but we can certainly be more deliberate as we create the design and blueprint. We are going to become intentional with the big changes we’re making . . .

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0006: How to Change Bad Habits Permanently

Change is inevitable. But we do have control over it much of the time … if we are willing to ignite change intentionally.

You may be wondering how to change bad habits or behaviors permanently. And …

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0005: Manufacturing Happiness

How happy are you? If you’re thinking it’s a long way from where you are right now to happy, I’m going to challenge you to try a new approach. If we want to learn to manufacture happiness, examining what I refer to as “newness drug” can provide some much needed insight. Let’s take control over our happiness factory.

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0004: Practical Spirituality

In this episode, we’re going to explore a term. You’ve undoubtedly heard of its components but may not have put them together. What is meant by the term “practical spirituality?” If we’re confused trying to differentiate between religion and spirituality, adding practicality to something that is oftentimes illogical can put us into a head spin.Download Transcript

0003: SAGE

In my book, Sage Advice, I shared a technique I developed for nurturing awareness. How do you tap into your own source of sage advice?
When I wrote the book, I assembled a bunch of concepts that I had already put into practice into what I term the Sage Technique TM. I’ll explain what Sage stands for and how to put the technique into practice.Download Transcript

0002: Aware Appreciation

Practicing aware appreciation is a great way to change my perspective and to help me focus on the things I appreciate rather than things I don’t appreciate. As humans, when things don’t seem to be going the way we think they should be going it is easy to start seeing more things that aren’t going the way we think they should be going. This aware appreciation practice will turn that around and start moving things in a different direction for us.Download Transcript

0001: Knowledge vs. Awareness

In this episode, we are going to talk about the difference between knowledge and awareness. Awareness is what allows the light bulb to flash. As we really practice this and build our muscles around our awareness skills, the idea is to close that gap so we can switch into awareness much more quickly and apply awareness and understanding before we get into something that we regret.Download Transcript

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